Expert Lovers' official video for "Blossom." Stream it on Spotify.
Video directed by: Daniel J Seigerman Featuring: Imogen Lolos
Copyright Expert Lovers, 2021 Follow us on Spotify & stream the song "Blossom": https://open.spotify.com/track/1U4eUc...
Instagram: @expertloversmusic Expert Lovers is an alternative rock group putting the pop formula through electroshock therapy. The LA-based outfit puts the sweat of its live shows into its recordings, culminating in the latest single, “Blossom.” A heavy, pummeling track with bright vocal hooks and head-bobbing guitar lines, “Blossom” captures the euphoria of letting your innermost desires out into the light. The band is quickly building a digital audience, with over 70,000 streams on Spotify since summer 2020 and consistent coverage in indie outlets. This momentum was led by Expert Lovers’ first single, "400 Horses," a confident rocker combining danceable grooves and simmering guitar riffs. The group is ready to step into the spotlight with a string of singles, two EPs, ample press, a new music video, and a little magic under its belt. Lead singer/guitarist Evan Bakker, who also runs a popular TikTok account (3+ million views per week) about astrology called Inner Worlds Astrology, incorporates cosmic themes into his songwriting.
Production and Post Production by Daniel J Seigerman of 1:59 Productions including:
Sound Design